Wednesday, December 14, 2011

2 Days of "sleep" and A Birthday Port

Oh man, what happened? lol  woke up this morning with that familiar feeling that someone beat the heck outta me! I'm home after a few days in the city for 2 different procedures.

I went in Sunday night, Peter took me in and we stayed at a Hotel on 50th & Lex that offers "special" rates for Sloan Patients, (Special only by Manhattan standards) But it was nice because it was my Birthday :). The Hotel room was beautiful, a suite, with living room and kitchen. It all seemed like it was just recently renovated.

So I had 2 "Procedures" scheduled one on Monday morning and one on Tuesday morning.

Monday morning started early, I got up @ 5:45a and headed in for a 7am visit. This was for installation of my medi-port, a device that is implanted under my skin- I had mine put on my right Pec Muscle under my collar bone- I think it looks great! My Birthday-port. So they put me to sleep and I woke up with a very stiff neck and sore pec. I cant shower with it for two days, .........I haven't even looked at it yet lol. I was anxious about this operation up until the day before when i finally Manned-Up, It was a big help when many many people told me how great the port is. The positive people are awesome!

So I got out mid day and it was a beautiful day in the city, had some lunch and then looked at a number of apartments, didn't find the perfect place, but found a great place on E39th/2nd (Next door to John Ehrlich) it was just a little too pricy. And I found the perfect place way up on York & 92nd - Everything was right with this place except I think it is too far north and too far from Trains.

Tuesday morning rolled around and I went back to sloan on 76th street, to have a Endoscopy and a Biopsy etc.. I made it in and out fine, but it wasn't totally smooth- took 3x to find an IV spot etc.... But I left in one piece the operating room staff was great. It seems they always are in there.

Driving back from NYC was a task, with loads of traffic and I was really tired, I slept well but woke up feeling like I was mugged! Uggh! Trying to relax this morning and just using Tylenol - But Alls well, I am happy and I am strong :)


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