Just spoke to my dad who is enjoying some time in sunny Florida, It sounds wonderful to me. I would dream to get to Florida when I am done with Chemo treatments and before my operation to build up and get tanned and rested, but I’m sure Doctors won’t want me on airplane and exposed to mega-germs. But it’s warm enough here so far and already February! Spring can’t be far away!
Long Time friend Patrick Jones flew back here from Seattle to help out, he arrived a few days ago and has been a great help, Yesterday he took Bradley the Lab to the Vet and he got “fixed”. Everything went well and Bradley seems very fine. Its good Patrick is here to help take care of the dog. Frankly the puppy energy has been too much- and I’m supposed to stay clear of the dog because of germs etc.
So last week my angel was Janet, I had a very bad round of Chemotherapy that left me in dangerous condition, I got every side effect in the book. They put me in the Main Hospital Urgent Care Unit on York Avenue on Wednesday night for a few hours and rehydrated me and gave me a shot of White Blood cell Producer. I could hardly move and lost 6 pounds in a few days. They also said I could not due my next round of Chemo. They told us that I needed to get and stay in a germ free environment and do nothing but rest.
So Janet asked me where did I want to go? The house in Asharoken, or Maybe my sister Mary’s or Brother Wayne’s house, or she said would you like to go to your house in Provincetown?? I said Provincetown is like 5-6 hours away, she said “that’s ok” you wanna go??? We can go now- so I said Hells Yeah!! And we took right off from Sloan’s and rolled up to Massachusetts. I walked in the door and crashed, so happy to be in my own house and such a peaceful healing place as it is!.
I struggled with the shot I got, it has a very painful side effect of aches & pain in your bones, that can be rough, So you can imagine how excited I was when I woke up to a call the next morning from my Oncologist that she wanted me to “swing by” for an additional shot. She said my numbers were so low it was dangerous. I said I cant swing by I am now 6 hours away!
Meanwhile… I developed a very angry rash on my back, Janet had concern it was shingles, so we made an appointment at Outer Cape Health Services to have it looked at by a doctor. I must compliment OCHS they are so wonderful to deal with. The Rash was not shingles thank god, so they gave me a medication and with Janet’s help we managed to get the WBC Shot handled through Outer Cape. Turns out they have Cancer Patient in Town, and the Pharmacy had one of the shots in stock. They gave it to me. So great!!! (More bone pain! - lol)
It was wonderful spending time with Janet; she fed me cared for me and even cleaned the house while I recuperated!! I can’t thank her enough.
She drove me down to Mary’s house in Westchester and Peter picked me up there, I even got a nap in @ Mary’s. By the time I got home my strength was coming back and I felt better with each passing day! I was bouncing back!! I started a new round of Chemo on Tuesday and it seems to be going well. I regained 5 lbs while in Massachusetts! So I had a net loss of only 2.
Apartment Found-
Well finally moving day has arrived, I’m happily moving into a nice little apartment I found on the Upper East Side. From when I was first diagnosed I wanted to be closer to Sloan Kettering, It’s hard to commute from Northport when your appointments are morning, So I need my ride buddy to hit the road @ 5am! Ouch! Lol and I often don’t feel up to driving myself on a long trip. So this is nice and easy.
I can also get anything I need without driving, you know u can “order up” anything, be it the pharmacy, groceries, cooked food or “whatever”.
So I’m at 92nd & 1st – found a great place, that is spotless clean and has bright southern exposure, it makes me happy. Currently I’m scheduled for an operation in mid March that has a bit of a long recovery, then 2 months or so of additional Chemo, I feel this will be a good place to rest heal.
So that’s your update, I am told that when you get a diagnosis such as I have its hard to handle but its hard for friends, family, parents etc. So I just want you to know that I’m doing fine, I’m fighting hard, and I’m going to beat this and be cancer free! BANK ON IT! I come from good stock
And thank you for everything everyone has done to make life be easier 4 me, Your help and most of all your positive love & positive support
Big Hugs
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