Saturday, January 7, 2012

1/7 1-week down :)

1/7 Saturday is off to a bit of a better feeling, I woke up at about 5am and don't really have the nausea level that i have had since last Sunday, I do have an amazingly "Rumbling", you can hardly hear yourself think over all the noise! I'm also still feeling like I am operating on very run down batteries. From other people I know who have experienced similar treatments I just need to accept that I am going to be wiped out, and I need to look at it as a good time to accept the rest for my body. I'm trying to do this but my mind hasn't figured out how to accept the "down-time" yet, much less welcome it. I need to work harder at this or I will go crazy.

But also I am in better spirits than recent days when some depression kept setting in. Friday was the first day I got some exercise and fresh air, and that made a difference. The medication I'm on prevents me from going out in the cold or touching any cold surfaces for a few days after I take it, so I have been locked up living at room temperature. I really missed cold drinks!! But the last two days I have been allowed cold drinks again YaY!

So overall I feel I am handling things well :). Here I am right in the thick of it!! I have had some strange Eye and Eyesight issues and the occassional odd chest pain- but other than thats its, nausea, exhaustion and "rumbles" ...rumbles is the code word :) 

Upcoming week: Hopefully I can hook up with the Nutritionist this week, It's been hard to meet him, he is at some location on like 70th street, also I want to chat with the physical therapy people from CancerCare in regard to exercise, and I am trying to finalize paperwork for CancerCare and Disability forms and Of Course Chemo on Tues-Wed-Thurs Yay!! 

It's all good It's going to be a great week!! and a good new year!  


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