Wednesday, April 11, 2012

From Patrick Swayze to Steve Jobs to Peter Griffin

Now I understand what happened during the discovery of the cancer in my liver last week. It took a long time to identify the pathology. And the Dr's had trouble matching the newly found cells with the original tumor in my Pancreas.

Going back to my initial diagnosis, you may know it took an exceptionally long amount of time to identify the cells taken from the tumor out on Long Island. Indeed I ended up having 3 Endoscopies (sp?) (Needle Biopsy's)  where they sampled the Tumor before they could identify the type of cells. (The Patrick Swayze Type- aka Nasty)

So when they found the cells in my liver and sampled them (Bigger Sample) they identified them as Neuro Endocrine a different type of cancer cell (The Steve Jobs Type-somewhat Less Nasty)

Although it is possible to have the two types existing at the same time it is highly unlikely.

Now, going back, they believe that the cells in the Pancreas are also the Neuro Endocrine type.

This is really good news, and provides a little more hope! :)

So theres the Steve Jobs Type, The Patrick Swayze type.....and my type The Peter Griffin Type. April 21, 2012 10a Walk fundraiser for Pancreatic Cancer Riverside Park NYC

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